Talent for GERMANY

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What would it mean to your bottom line if all your international hires spoke German?

Modern Language Center is one of the few language training schools in Mexico that have the hands-on experience developing the language talent needed for healthcare professionals that have been sent to work in Germany. We have successfully worked closely with the German Federal Employment Agency to prepare and send healthcare professionals who are currently working in Germany.

Services Overview

Modern Language Center is one of the few language training schools in Mexico that have the hands-on experience developing the language talent needed for healthcare professionals that have been sent to work in Germany. We have successfully worked closely with the German Federal Employment Agency to prepare and send healthcare professionals who are currently working in Germany.

Selection & Capabilities Assesment

A1-B2 German Training

Additional German Activities

B2 German Certifcation

Homologation & Travel Arrangements

Selection Support

Participants must be selected properly to get the right results. Not everyone will be capable to endure the challenging tasks of learning the German language in such short time while maintaining a desired level of commitment. Thus selection of the participants will play a major role in the success of the investment being made on each participant. Modern can provide a thorough selection support service that includes capabilities assessments related to language learning, by competence, motivation and commitment.

Psychometric tests

These evaluations are a standard and scientifc method used to measure individuals’ mental capabilities and behavioural style. Psychometric tests are designed to measure candidates’ suitability for a role based on the required personality characteristics and aptitude (or cognitive abilities).

Motivation Inventory

Motivation Inventory is a comprehensive test of motivation, which gives an understanding of what drives and motivates a person to effectively perform and excel at work. The more motivated and engaged your workforce, the greater your organization’s potential for success. It measures 8 key motivators under 3 major needs- sustainability needs (money, security), relatedness needs (recognition, affliation, competition), and growth needs (power, advancement, achievement).

Aptitude Tests

Assess cognitive aptitude, which measures problem solving ability, critical thinking, attention to detail, and learning ability.

Personality Tests

Measure behavioral traits and tendencies that provide valuable information about a candidate’s job and culture fit.

Language Capabilities Assessment

Our Language Capabilities Assessment provides an accurate account of the abilities of a student to learn a language. We provide the participants with the opportunity to take a language assessment in their use of Spanish, English, French and/or German to gage the student’s capabilities to learn a new language. Each language evaluation consists of two tests, one online and one face-to-face interview. Our online exams provide us with quantitiative data related to their knowledge and use of particular grammatical structures, expressions and general language use. They are about 30 minutes long and can be taken from anywhere. Our interview language evaluation provides us with a clear understanding of the participant’s use of the language in a live oral scenario, thus providing us with accurate language level and overall use. These two exams together provide us with a true understanding of the student’s capabilities to be able to handle successfully an intense German program.

B2 German Trainig Program


Here you will fnd the proposal for the intensive German language training program. The classes are performed in person by qualifed experts in groups of up to 8 students. All classes are given in German according to the students’ levels and objectives. The level of each student is identifed by two placement exams in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Levels Structure

  • Anfängerkurs includes beginner levels from A1.1 to B1.2. After fnishing level B1.2 the student will have an understanding of the basics of the German language, which will be enough to communicate in daily routine situations, they will also obtain reading and listening skills.
  • Mittelstufenkurs is also divided to three steps. After fnishing this course the student will be able to use majority of German grammatical structures, be able to understand native speakers on any level, take part in meetings, conferences and teleconferences, make oral and written reports and read articles and books at any level of complexity, as well as have an understanding of any audio materials (movies, news, etc.).
  • Fortgeschrittenenkurs is considered native speaker level. People who are already fuent in German are classifed at this level. They already have an understanding of major grammar structures and have a broad vocabulary. For these students the program should be developed based on their preferences: discussion of topics in class, watching German movies, etc.

Teaching material

The classic structure of German classes is divided into three major levels:

  • Anfängerkurs.- Themen Aktuell 1-3
  • Mittelstufenkurs.- EM: Brükenkurs, EM: Hauptkurs and EM: Abschlusskurs
  • Fortgeschrittenenkurs.- Native speaker level, specific, tailormade material used.

In the material used, empahsis is on real situations from every-day life, they contain original texts and expressions that are used by Germans. Taking into account that these books are focusing more on speaking and understanding, and give a brief overview of the most important grammar topics, additional material for teaching grammar is recommended. Use of the grammar book from the same publisher is suggested: Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik (Dreyer-Schmitt). The grammar rules are explained with examples, followed by the rule itself and the exercises, using examples from modern life.

Program Logistics

The following provides an outlook on a tentative schedule and breakdown on the number of weeks required to reach a B2 level in German. The program includes suffcient time to focus on the language and additional time devoted to medical issues on each individual level.

Program Breakdown

  • A1 - 10 weeks (General 6 weeks & Medical 4 weeks)
  • A2 - 10 weeks (General 6 weeks & Medical 4 weeks)
  • B1 - 10 weeks (General 6 weeks & Medical 4 weeks)
  • B2 - 10 weeks (General 6 weeks & Medical 4 weeks)

Additional Support on Saturdays

11:30 AM-1:00 PM Yoga in German

Typical Training on Weekdays

  • 8:30 AM-1:00 PM Classes (90 min. Teacher Rotation)
  • 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Lunch in German
  • 2:00 PM-3:30 PM Conversational Activities
  • 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Optional Workshops

German Culture and Other Optional Activities

The following are some of the additional activities that have been implemented in the past to reinforce the language learning experience. These activities are optional and not included in our regular B2 German Training Program. Some of them are scheduled on a daily basis for any student interested in this reinforcement. Others are implemented on a weekly basis or depending on the client’s needs.

Conversation Sessions

Conversation clubs can be made available for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels to discuss any topic of preference. Clubs are formed according to level and subject and moderated by an experienced instructor who offers customized feedback to participants. The basic objective is to provide the students with an informal setting to practice German under the direct supervision of the instructor who takes notes and provides feedback to each student at the end of every session.

Grammar Sessions

These higher-level German courses offer students further practice and exposure to the kind of advanced grammar used in highly practical situations. Students are able to identify and correct common grammatical errors and also use a greater variety of grammatical structures with confidence. The aim of the course is to help students obtain a thorough understanding of the importance of grammar in communication in order to enable them to choose - in their production of written and spoken texts - grammatical structures and forms which are adequate for any given communicative situation. The course is very intense – it’s not for the faint of heart - but there is plenty of time to discuss problems and some of the changes in standard German happening at the moment.

German Lunch

In these convenient conversation sessions, a particular topic is picked for an informal discussion in groups or no more than four people of similar language level. A trainer moderates these discussions during lunch for one hour, five times a week.

Personalized Tutoring

At Modern, we specialize in taking a customized approach with every student. Our tutors tailor the lesson plans to the students’ needs! If any student is struggling with one aspect of the material or the use of the German language, the student can focus on that particular area with the tutor. Once we discover the students’ areas of improvement, we create a study plan to help them improve their scores and master the material.

Nursing and Medical Conversations

These sessions consist of discussing nursing and medical issues with the students in an informal setting. An article from a book is picked and used to prompt students to discuss issues and topics addressed in the article.

Exam Certification

Quality Assurance

Secret of Success

In order to obtain the desired results, it is imperative to implement the following to the program and thus make sure a successful outcome is achieved. The basis of the secret of success is the right selection of the participants followed by clear communication, academic requirements, motivation and control.


Since most participants must commit to a full time schedule of studying the language and produce results, it is extremely important for them to have ongoing communication from the client or its representatives. Modern together with the Labor Department in Mexico and Germany can provide much of this communication, however, the involvement of the client is very important to maintain motivation and engagement. We recommend a clear and consistent flow of communication with the students in regards to hiring schedule, expectations, conditions and so on.


Due to the fact that Modern needs to provide academic results, full academic control must be delegated to it along with suffcient tools to demand from the students the results expected by the client. In addition to reporting to the client the progress achieved by the students, Modern must be authorized to take disciplinary actions on students that are not willing to do the necessary academic workload for which they commit.


When initiating any course at Modern, a Kick Off with the students is presented in order to make clear the expectations and rules of the game. Also, this launching meeting provides the opportunity for the students to understand what it takes to learn a new language, including a daily practice plan that includes every skill. It is a philosophy, a way of life to incorporate the language in their daily routines in order to obtain the desired results within such short time.


In order to obtain a B2 level, a student must be exposed to over 1200 hours of classes and comply with all academic requirements imposed by Modern to the participating students. A minimum percentage of attendance and grades must be met in order to reach the objectives. Modern must be in a position of demanding this work from students if they are to produce the desired results.


Modern Language Center offers preparation and training for each student to obtain offcial certifcation of their language skills and level that is recognized anywhere in the world. Our German training program includes various certifcation alternatives depending on the level and particular objectives:

  • Zertifkat A1 Beginner
  • Zertifkat A2 Elementary/Pre-Intermediate
  • Zertifkat B1 Intermediate
  • Zertifkat B2 Upper-Intermediate